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Daily Archives: November 10, 2015
The Problem with Micro-Finance
My article on food processing is not the only economics-related article making its way around the Peace Corps Nicaragua. Another Volunteer recently wrote a blog post about women in micro-finance in Nicaragua. I wanted to take the opportunity of my article … Continue reading
Posted in Peace Corps, Philosophy, Teaching
Tagged added value, Africa, art, artisan, artisans, bank, banking, blog, blogging, capital, development, dignity, economic development, economic growth, entrepreneurship, Foreign Policy, free trade zone, gender & development, gender and development, innovation, international development, Let Girls Learn, meme, micro lending, micro loans, micro-finance, microfinance, Nicaragua, painting, Peace Corps, piggy bank, production, productivity, quality of life, saving, savings, United States Peace Corps, US Peace Corps, value, value added, value-added chain, value-added production, women, women and development
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The Power of Food Processing
Peace Corps Nicaragua has a Volunteer magazine, Va Pué. An article I wrote was published in the latest edition, and I have copied it here for anyone outside of the Volunteer sphere who wants to read it: Nicaragua abounds with food, … Continue reading
Posted in Logistics, Peace Corps, Philosophy
Tagged beach, economic development, exporting, fish, fish cakes, fishing, food processing, magazine, Poneloya, Va Pues