This video was made by a current Nicaraguan Peace Corps Volunteer about the recent evacuation that she had to endure. All Volunteers remain in the United States to this date, and it is extremely saddening for myself, all returned Volunteers, certainly the serving Volunteers, as well as their counterparts, friends, host families, and the Peace Corps Nicaragua staff.
Although the major violence of April is over, I still believe there is repression and violence taking place against peaceful protesters. Some were attacked in Niquinohomo, where I lived for a month, on video, and the anti-riot police have been deployed to stop protesters over the past week. There are also accusations that the police continue to harass student protesters in Managua. I also just read online that violent counter-protests may be taking place in Masaya this evening (completely unsubstantiated at this time).
Interestingly, there has been an undercurrent emerging that is accusing the United States, through its various pseudo-imperialistic machinations, of stoking the violence in Nicaragua. While this narrative plays right into Ortega’s hands, I can’t dismiss it. I even heard this refrain going back to when I was a Volunteer from 2014-2016. I have no doubt that the United States continued to immorally meddle in Nicaragua’s internal affairs. The NICA Act is exhibit number one. I’m just not sure if we have much direct influence over the current anti-government protesting taking place. Regardless, inform yourself, share with others, and use your voice for positive change.